Where does the painting begin and end? And photography? Where is the border between image and his manipulation? There are numerous different elements drawing an attention of the spectators towards different directions that can lead to radically different interpretations.
The title, the subject, the surface, the most pictorial part. It seems the image always presents a kind of puzzle or enigma.
Like a pendulum that oscillates between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Proyecto Mr. Hyde nº 23. Digital print 100 x 50 cm. 2002

Proyecto Mr. Hyde nº 35. Digital print 50 x50 cm

Proyecto Mr. Hyde nº 47. Digital print 50 x 50 cm 2002

Proyecto mr Hyde nº 57. Digital print 75 x 122 cm. 2002

Proyecto mr. Hyde nº 63. Digital print. 50 x 50 cm. 2002

Proyecto mr. Hyde nº 70. Digital print. 50 x 50 cm. 2002

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